Come, Look, See…

Poor Madeleine…
May 18, 2007, 7:55 am
Filed under: General

Now I don’t want to take away from the seriousness of poor Madeleine, a British girl who disappeared from a Portugal resort this past week; however, it’s upsetting to see so much attention paid to a missing girl simply because she’s white. Yes, I said it. This little girl is white and the whole world is wondering where in heaven she could be. Unfortunately, this happens all too often with many other children who don’t get the luxury of being splashed all over the news – or who aren’t so lucky to get their own website with over 25 million hits.

What is wrong with this world that a baby of color is second rate to a white baby? It’s such a shame and to be frank, it’s quite unsettling and very, very upsetting to me. Jon Benet immediately comes to mind…unfortunately for me, so do the many other non-white babies and children whom I briefly hear about in the news when they go missing. Yet, we do so little to find them. Why?

I do hope they find this little girl safe and sound. I can’t imagine what it would feel like to have your own daughter taken away from you. But still, I can’t help wonder why she is more special than every other little girl or boy who goes missing on a daily basis.

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